MapleStory CWKPQ image


Mark Of Naricain Service

                     CWKPQ Ldr:Gohzhiying / XiaoXiNgYiYi
                     Venue:CrimsonWood Countyard
                     Price : 70m per Mon (a price that u can buy)
                     Stats:Str+5 Dex+5 Int+5 Luk+5 Hp+300 Mp+300 Weapon Att+10 
                              Ma+10 Acc+15 Spd+5 Jup+5 (this is a normal stats)
                     World:Gemini / Fornax
                      Attacker :--
                      (If u wish to have it Pm XiaoXiNgYiYi in the game)